Korea University The Department of Korean Language Education

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Department of Korean Language Education


Basic Common Course

KLE 501 Children's Literature and Reading [3 Credits]

Students will recognize the importance of children's literature as one of critical reading materials to facilitate cognitive and affective development. This course focuses on effective teaching methods and analyzing the children's literature works as a part of reading instruction.

KLE 502 Language and Daily Life [3]

Focusing on the role of language in human daily lifes, students will study on the topics such as humans and language, language and mind, and social functions of language.

KLE 503 Research on School Grammar [3]

The aim of this course is to understand school grammar and to study various grammar tasks.

KLE 504 Korean Language Education for Multi-cultural Family [3]

This course is primarily concerned with methods of teaching English as a second language(ESL) to K-12 students and adults. Traditional methods emphasizing the development of structural knowledge and new methods focused on the development of communications skills will be examined. Topics include teaching English through content instruction, "structured English immersion," syllabus and curriculum design, second language reading, and language testing for placement and evaluation.

KLE 505 Education of Korean History [3]

The aim of this course is to understand the history of korean language and predict the direction of researches on it in the future.

KLE 506 Theories in Teaching Korean Grammar [3]

The aim of this course is to understand the grammar of Korean language and to explore the contents and methods in teaching Korean language grammar at secondary schools.

KLE 507 Reading Poem and Education I [3]

This class aims to read closely, considering poem education.

KLE 508 Reading Novel and Education I [3]

This class aims to read closely, considering novel education.

KLE 509 Teaching Classical Korean Literature [3]

With understanding of Korean classical literature, student will study the development of teaching materials, teaching-learning methodology, assessment in the instruction of Korean classical literature.

KLE 510 History of Classical Korean Literature [3]

This course examines the changes in history of Korean classical literature and the historical meaning of representative writers and works. Students will also study the practical way to teach the history of Korean classical literature.


Major Course


Field of Language Skill

KLE 601 Research on Korean Language Education [3]

The aim of this course is to understand the concepts of language and language education, to analyze the curriculum of Korean language education subject matter at the various school levels from 1945 to the present and to read selected papers about six major content areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and others.

KLE 602 Research on Writing Education [3]

This course is designed to examine the psychological processes of writing and the development of writing abilities, skills, and strategies on the basis of recent studies on the concept of writing. Student are expected to discuss in depth the current instructional practices, materials, and evaluation techniques in primary and secondary schools, as well as in college.

KLE 603 Research on Reading Education [3]

On the basis of various models of reading, such as the behavioral model, the cognitive model, the psycholinguistic model, and the development model, as well as psychological processes of reading, th;e student are expected to study instructional practices, materials, and evaluations in teaching reading at various school levels such as beginning reading, elementary reading, middle school reading, and college reading.

KLE 604 Research and Development of Textbooks for Korean Language Education [3]

The aim of this course is to study concepts of school textbooks and theories of textbooks development in order to understand and analyze the textbooks for Korean language education from 1945 to present, and to develop a sample lesson of textbooks for Korean language education.

KLE 605 Research on Speaking and Listening Education [3]

This course deals with the concept and psychological processes of speaking and listening, differences between oral language and written language, and effective strategies of good speakers and listeners. Student are expected to examined instructional practices, materials, evaluation techniques for teaching and speaking at various levels of school.

KLE 701 Curriculum and Instruction of Teaching Korean Language [3]

Students will review main concepts and theories of the curriculum of Korean language. By studying the history of national curriculum of Korean language, this course can provide deep understanding of the theoretical bases in the development and the practices of language curriculum.

KLE 702 Assessment and Evaluation in Korean Language Education [3]

The aim of this course is to analyze the current practices and tools of assessing student reading and writing ability from various philosophical stances and various methods for assessing and evaluating student performance and progress in Korean language education. Student are to expected to examine language testing in the current college entrance examine.

KLE 703 Research on Literacy [3]

This course is designed to review the concept of literacy and its function of school learning and society. The major concern of this course is to examine the psychological and developmental characteristics of literacy education from preschool through 12th grade.

KLE 704 Studies on Media Literacies [3]

This course examines the work on Media literacies instruction in a classroom in the Korean language education. It will provide teaching methods which is essential aspects of social learning in relation to the media and own cultural experience.

KLE 705 Research on Vocabulary Instruction [3]

This course provides an overview of vocabulary development and focuses on ways to enhance vocabulary instruction. It includes strategies for teaching vocabulary and for integrating vocabulary into a lesson. Students also learn specific instructional strategies for teaching vocabulary skills.

KLE 706 Psycholinguistics [3]

This course deals with the meaning and structure of language, relations between language and the mind, psychological realty of grammar in language use, language acquisition, comprehension and production of discourse, and the study of sentence parsing in the artificial intelligence.

KLE 707 Language Test and Test Development [3]

This course focuses on examination of language assessment theory, materials and procedures. Topics include validity and reliability in language assessment, formal and informal assessment, language instruction that is informed by ongoing assessment, and the effects of assessment on students and schooling in a diverse society. Also, students will take part in collaborative works to develop creative practical tools for language assessment.

KLE 801 Studies on Learning to Read [3]

Course content will focus on the implications of reading theory and research for curricular decisions in teaching reading at elementary and secondary school levels. Critical analysis of instructional programs will be followed by curriculum planning for the school site and district level.

KLE 802 Studies on Learning to Write [3]

In this course, students will do critical examination of major theories and approaches to research in learning and teaching writing. Students should prepare designing and conducting research projects on the written language.

KLE 803 Instructional Methods of Korean Language and Literature [3]

This methods course introduces the teaching of elementary and secondary Korean language. It focuses on theories for grounding classroom decisions and connects theory and practice. The course models effective approaches to teaching English and introduces issues in constructing a Korean language curriculum. Students gain a foundation for developing plans for lessons and units of instruction as well as a sense of how to build academic communities of diverse learners, including non-native speakers of Korean language.

KLE 804 Language Development and Speaking-listening [3]

This course provides understanding of main concepts and theories of speaking and listening education and relates them to language development of children in educational perspectives. Students will also learn the basic principles and actual method to teach children's speaking and listening.

KLE 805 Studies on Learning to Read and the Teaching Materials [3]

With reviewing various researches and theories on teaching beginning reading, students will perceive the importance of early literacy education and developing effective materials for teaching beginning reading. Students also analyze the materials used in teaching beginning reading and find the ways to enhance the content and organization of the materials.

KLE 806 Analysis and Evaluation of Teaching Materials [3]

This course provides fundamental comprehending of basic elements composing of teaching materials of Korean language and the way to improve the quality in its contents and organization. Students will analyze several materials used and create new effective teaching materials.

KLE 807 Psychology and Language [3]

This course will provide an introduction to the psychology of language. The purpose of the course is to introduce students to the scientific study of psycholinguistic phenomena. It will cover a broad range of topics from psycholinguistics, including the origin of language, the different components of language (phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics), processes involved in reading, computational modeling of language processes, the acquisition of language (both under normal and special circumstances), and the brain bases of language.

KLE 808 College Composition and Communication [3]

Based on the several researches on college composition, students will investigate the desirable instruction methods for college writing education. Also, students will find the ways to improve current state of composition education in colleges.

KLE 810 Studies on Early Literacy [3]

This course covers theories, researches, and practices in early literacy acquisition including emergent literacy, phonemic awareness, word identification, comprehension, invented spelling, and writing. It also emphasize classroom instruction strategies for first and second language learners.

KLE 901 Research on Job Literacy [3]

The purpose of this course is to understand the concept of job literacy and the relationship of job literacy and language skills. Also, students will find the way to improve job literacy through teaching Korean language in school system and other social organizations.

KLE 902 Teacher Education for Korean Language Education [3]

This course focuses on investigation on specialized ability as a Korean language teacher. Also, students will study various effective teaching methodologies, counseling skills, classroom management and designing lesson plans.

KLE 903 History of Korean language Education [3]

Examines the developmental process of various theories in Korean language teaching and relationship of the changing goals, organization, and practices of Korean language education to broader social, economic, political, and intellectual developments in the future.

KLE 904 Policies of Korean Language Education [3]

This course is about the introduction and development of policies in language education. Students will understand basic concepts and theories in the establishment of education policies and discuss how to develop and practice more effective policies in Korean langue teaching.

KLE 905 Research Methodology in Korean Language Education [3]

This course deals with various theoretical and practical research methods such as survey, experiment, interview, observation, and others. major topics include exercising constructing tools, collecting data, and transforming the quantitative and qualitative materials into a written research report. student are expected to exercise the ethnographical observation of classroom teaching and learning activities.

KLE 906 Research Seminar in Korean Language Education [3]

This course is designed to train master and doctoral students to write their theses. Students are expected to meet their academics adviser every week, and develop their theses. Main topics include themes of study, research designs, and methods of collecting data.

KLE 907 Seminar in Korean Language Education [3]

This course deals with special topics and issues of Korean language education.


Field of Grammar Education

KLE 606 Linguistics and Korean Language Education [3]

The aim of this course is to examine the major theories and latest studies on phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, text or discourse processes, and children's language development, exploring their implications for Korean language education. Students are also expected to criticize traditional concepts of teaching grammar in language education.

KLE 607 Research on Korean Sound [3]

The aim of this course is to understand and conduct the researches on Korean sound.

KLE 608 Korean Pragmatics [3]

This course deals with the pragmatic studies of korean language. Topics of discussion include language and meaning, language and the view of the world, and language and social behavior.

KLE 609 Korean Semantics [3]

The aim of this course is to understand both semantic and pragmatic approaches to the study of the Korean language and to discuss the semantic structure of words, sentences, and discourses.

KLE 610 Research on School Grammar Text [3]

The aim of this course is to explore school grammar texts theoretically and improve the ability to develop authentic teaching materials in grammar education.

KLE 611 Research on Teaching and Learning of Grammar [3]

The aim of this course is to study the methods of teaching and learning Korean grammar theoretically and practically.

KLE 612 Education of Korean Norms [3]

The aim of this course is to understand the spelling system of Korean language and the norms of standard Korean language and to study the methods of teaching them.

KLE 708 Education of Korean Information [3]

The aim of this course is to understand the current status of informationization using Korean language as the medium and to study the basic theories and the ways of practicing it.

KLE 709 Research Method of Grammar Education I [3]

The aim of this course is to investigate how to design and evaluate research in grammar education basically.

KLE 710 Research Method of Grammar Education II [3]

The aim of this course is to study how to design and evaluate advanced researches on grammar education.

KLE 711 School Grammar and Korean Grammar [3]

The aim of this course is to investigate the similarities and differences between school grammar as mother tongue and korean grammar as second language.

KLE 712 Research on Language Contrast and Error Analysis [3]

The aim of this course is to study the contrastive features of Korean language and to analyze the errors in using it practically.

KLE 713 Research on Grammar and Korean Life [3]

The aim of this course is to understand and study the role of grammar in language uses in everyday life.

KLE 809 Education of Korean Phonology [3]

The aim of this course is to understand korean phonemes and to study the characteristic of teaching and learning them.

KLE 811 Education of Korean Discourse [3]

The aim of this course is to understand and study korean grammar education in the perspectives of discourse units.

KLE 812 Education of Word and Sentence [3]

The aim of this course is to comprehend korean words and sentences and to learn the efficient ways of teaching and learning them.

KLE 813 Education of Media Language [3]

The aim of this course is to understand media language and to study the way of teaching it.

KLE 814 Research on Evaluation of Grammar Ability [3]

The aim of this course is to comprehend the methods of evaluating grammatical ability of Korean language and to study its practical approaches.

KLE 815 Research on Korean Policy of South-North Korea [3]

The aim of this course is to comprehend and study the current state of language in North and South Korea.

KLE 816 History of Grammar Education Research [3]

The aim of this course is to understand and study the history of researches on Korean grammar education.

KLE 908 Education of Applied Korean Language [3]

The aim of this course is to understand the aspects of applied Korean language and to study how to enhance the Korean language education.

KLE 909 Education of Korean Old Grammar [3]

The aim of this course is to understand archaic korean language, especially that of the middle age and to study the methods of teaching it.

KLE 910 Education of Korean Stylistics [3]

The aim of this course is to understand and study the styles of Korean language.

KLE 911 World Writing and Hunminjeongeum [3]

The aim of this course is to understand the value of the Korean script with comparing to other countries' letter system and to seek creative ways to take over it.

KLE 912 Education of Korean Culture [3]

The aim of this study is to understand the theoretical base of Korean culture and to study.

KLE 913 Special Topics in Korean Linguistics I [3]

The aim of this course is to study special topics on theories and practices of grammar education.

KLE 914 Special Topics in Korean Linguistics II [3]

The aim of this course is to discuss the topics concerned on each participants' paper on grammar education and to improve the quality of their paper.

KLE 915 Contrast Research of Korean and Foreign Language [3]

The aim of this course is to conduct researches and to study the similarities and differences between Korean and foreign languages.


Field of Literature Education

KLE 613 Theory of Literature Education [3]

This class aims to learn how to appreciate and teach the literary works, studying the many theories of literature on the view of literature education.

KLE 614 Research on History of Modern Korean Literature [3]

This class aims to study the transformation of modern Korean literature through the important literary works in education, considering the general concept of the history of literature.

KLE 615 Theory of Modern Korean Writer Education [3]

This class aims to learn how to study and teach about a writer, considering deeply the complete works of the great modern Korean writer.

KLE 616 Research on Theory of Poem Education I [3]

This class aims to learn how to appreciate and teach the poems, studying the form and structure of modern poem on the view of poem education.

KLE 617 Study on Teaching Korean Oral Literature [3]

Course contents will focus on the understanding of oral literature such as myths, legends, folklores, folk songs and the practical ways to teaching oral literature in school.

KLE 618 Study on Teaching Chinese Proses [3]

Students will study significant Chinese classical proses in the history of Korean literature and apply the implication and values of the works to practical education in school.

KLE 619 Study on Teaching Classical Verses I [3]

This course will provide basic understanding of classical verses from ancient times to Goryeo, an ancient Korean state and find practical ways to teach them in school.

KLE 620 Study on Teaching Classical Verses II [3]

This course will provide advanced understanding of classical verses from ancient times to Goryeo, an ancient Korean state and find practical ways to teach them in school.

KLE 621 Study on teaching Korean Classical Novel I [3]

This course focuses on classical narratives such as historical romances, tales, and stories based on dreams and the practical methods to teach them in school.

KLE 622 Study on teaching Korean Classical Novel II [3]

This course focuses on classical narratives such as novels written chinese letters and Hangeul, Korean alphabet and the practical methods to teach them in school.

KLE 714 Theory of Literature Materials for Teaching [3]

This class aims to analyze the existing materials for teaching on the educational spot and compose it creatively, through appreciate of the textual literary works.

KLE 715 Study on Drama and Korean Language Education [3]

This class aims to grope for the relationship between text and actual perform on the view of Korean education, studying the existing dramatic literature teaching on the spot.

KLE 716 Theory of Modern Korean Poet Education [3]

This class aims to learn how to study and teach about a poet, considering deeply the complete works of the great modern Korean poet.

KLE 717 Research on Special Topic in Literature Education I [3]

This class aims to develop the creative discussion about the special topic noticed lately on the literature teaching.

KLE 718 Seminar on Modern Literature Education I [3]

This class aims to grope the creative research about the subject non-discussed because of the lack of theoretical foundation on the modern Korean literature teaching.

KLE 719 General Theories in Classical Literature [3]

This course provides investigation of characteristics of Korean classical literature in the aspect of age and genres. Student will also study important writers and representative literature works in history of Korean literature.

KLE 720 Study on teaching Korean Performing Arts [3]

This course provides basic understanding of classical performing arts of Korea and investigation on its changes in historical perspectives. Students will also learn practical methods th teach them in school.

KLE 721 Special Topics of Research on Korean Classical Literature [3]

Students will read unknown classical literature works and find their educational implications and contents for instruction. They also study practical ways to teach the contents in school.

KLE 722 Theories and Practices of Korean Classical Literature [3]

Students will study various literary theories needed to perform researches on classical literature and its implications on real education field.

KLE 817 Reading Novel and Education II [3]

This class aims to read closely, considering novel education.

KLE 818 Reading Poem and Education II [3]

This class aims to read closely, considering poem education.

KLE 819 Theory of Modern Literature Educational Method [3]

This class aims to analyze the educational method except for material for teaching and compose the class model creatively.

KLE 820 Theory of Modern Poem and Education [3]

This class aims to study the theory of poem as possible on the educational spot, considering the traditional poetics and the theory of poem through appreciation poems in actuality.

KLE 821 Theory of Modern Novel and Education [3]

This class aims to study model of theory of novel as possible on the educational spot, considering the theory of narration through appreciation novels in actuality.

KLE 822 Theory of Modern Korean Writer Education II [3]

This class aims to learn how to study and teach about a writer, considering deeply the complete works of the great modern Korean writer.

KLE 823 Research on Theory of Poem Education II [3]

This class aims to learn how to appreciate and teach the poems, studying the form and structure of modern poem on the view of poem education.

KLE 824 Research on Teaching materials of Korean Classical Literature [3]

This courses will focus on the development of practical teaching materials of Korean classical literature and analyze the fundamental elements which constructs

KLE 825 Study on Teaching Chinese Poetry [3]

This course will provide discussion on the representative and significant Chinese poems and the educational values and implications of them. Students also study and discuss various instructional methods to teach Chinese poems.

KLE 826 Study on Teaching Korean Classical Criticism [3]

In this course, students will study literary criticism and read real critical writings written in traditional ages. Also they will find ways to apply them into real education field.

KLE 827 Study on teaching Korean Classical Writers I [3]

Students will investigate the intellectual writers of classical literature works in critical aspects of historicism and find the relationship of this writers and their works.

KLE 828 Study on teaching Korean Classical Writers II [3]

Students will investigate the low-level writers of classical literature works in critical aspects of historicism and find the relationship of this writers and their works.

KLE 829 Aesthetic Perspectives on Korean Classical Literature [3]

Based on philosophic understanding of aesthetics, students will study aesthetic characteristics and classification of Korean classic literature.

KLE 916 Theory of Literature and Education [3]

This class aims to studying the theory of literature as possible on the educational spot, considering the important concepts of the broad theory of literature over the poetics and the theory of narration.

KLE 917 Theory of Modern Korean Poet Education II [3]

This class aims to learn how to study and teach about a poet, considering deeply the complete works of the great modern Korean poet.

KLE 918 Theory of Modern Literature Materials for Teaching [3]

This class aims to compose the materials for teaching on the educational spot creatively, through appreciation of the textual modern literary works.

KLE 919 Theory of Modern Literature Assess [3]

This class aims to analyze the education assess on the educational spot and compose the actual model of exam and assess.

KLE 920 Seminar on Drama and Korean Language Education [3]

This class aims to grope the creative model of dramatic literature teaching on the spot, comparing with the textual drama, scenario and the actually performed theater, movie, serial drama.

KLE 921 Seminar on Modern Literature Education II [3]

This class aims to grope the creative research about the subject non-discussed because of the difficulty of spot application on the modern Korean literature teaching.

KLE 922 Research on Special Topic in Literature Education II [3]

This class aims to grope the creative alternative plan about the special topic pressed for the prospect on the literature teaching.

KLE 923 Study on Teaching Korean Classical Genres [3]

This courses provide fundamental understanding of genres of Korean classical literature and its application into real instruction as a tool to interpret basic principle for constructing classical literature works.

KLE 924 Research on Assessment of Korean Classical Literature [3]

Based on basic principles and theories of general assessment, students will find a fundamental system and practical methods of evaluation in teaching Korean classical literature.

KLE 925 Study on Methodology of Teaching Korean Classical Literature [3]

This course provides an inquiry into effective methods to teach classical literature works.

KLE 926 Teaching Approaches on Korean Classical Literature [3]

This course focuses on the various traditional approaches which contribute to form Korean classical literature and aspects of application in real works by reading representative classical literature works.

KLE 927 Research Seminar in Classical Korean Literature Education I [3]

The purpose of this course is to study basic methods to conduct researches on teaching and learning Korean classical literature. Specific research topics and several papers on teaching Korean classical literature will be freely discussed.

KLE 928 Research Seminar in Classical Korean Literature Education II [3]

The purpose of this course is to study a advanced method to conduct researches on teaching and learning Korean classical literature. Specific research topics and several papers on teaching Korean classical literature will be freely discussed.

KLE 929 Study on teaching Korean Classical Proses [3]

Students will study significant the classical proses written in Hangeul, Korean alphabet and develop practical ways to teach them in school.